1)X 's goal is to provide free access to internet data through wifi, made available effectively to all parts of the world.It would involve using datacasting through hundreds of CubeSats. Id X ?
2)What's common to these robots?

3)What's so speical about these words - "Guru", "Shiksha", "Bike" & "Clothing" ?
4)The project aims to assist people with diabetes by constantly measuring the glucose levels in their tears. Id the project?

6)X is a proposed music download-service and dedicated music player focusing on "high-quality" recorded audio. It is slated for launch in October 2014.The name derives from a Hawaiian word for "righteousness" Id X ?
7)Id the logo

10) What's this

2)What's common to these robots?
3)What's so speical about these words - "Guru", "Shiksha", "Bike" & "Clothing" ?
4)The project aims to assist people with diabetes by constantly measuring the glucose levels in their tears. Id the project?
6)X is a proposed music download-service and dedicated music player focusing on "high-quality" recorded audio. It is slated for launch in October 2014.The name derives from a Hawaiian word for "righteousness" Id X ?
7)Id the logo
8)X is a social networking mobile application which allows users to segregate acquaintances into different groups and share contents securely and privately with the right audiences which includes close friends, families etc .As of March 2014, the number of registered users surpassed 25 million.It is a product of Camp Mobile. Id X ?
10) What's this
3.new domains ?
4.Google lens
9.bitcoin atm?
Thanks for commenting. Here are the answers :
2)1st pic- HAL 9000, 2nd pic- Robbie Forbidden Planet 3rd pic-Maria,the first robot ever depicted in cinema. they are all inducted in Robot Hall of fame http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot_Hall_of_Fame
3) All these are gTLD(Generic top-level domains)
4)Google lens
5)1st pic- Maxwell, 2nd pic- Kepler 3rd pic-Nvidia logo
Connect is The GEForce series of GPU is based on Maxwell & kepler architecture.
9)Connect is Auroracoin- an Icelandic alternative to Bitcoin
1st pic-Baldur(Norse God)creators use the pseudonym Baldur , 2nd pic-Icelandic króna, 3rd pic-Bitcoin
10)Q-Sight Helmet-Mounted Displays by BAE systems